Benefits of Heating Oil
Heating Oil has experienced a dramatic change in recent years and is simply a much cleaner, more efficient product than it was even ten years ago. Today the heating oil that Hi-Ho proudly delivers (commonly referred to as Bioheat®) is a healthy, safe, renewable energy made from vegetable oils, recycled restaurant oils, and other natural resources. And, did you know that Bioheat® heating oil is a cleaner, more energy-efficient fuel than even natural gas? That’s right! Today’s Bioheat® is simply the cleanest and greenest heating fuel on the market. As such, Hi-Ho customers experience the many benefits that come from Bioheat® heating oil such as a reduction in heating oil consumption and reduced overall service calls over time. Our customers feel great knowing that the heating oil that Hi-Ho delivers is the most efficient and environmentally friendly product available. The best part? Bioheat® does not cost a single cent more than traditional heating oil and actually puts money back in our customers’ pockets because of the reduction in overall consumption!